Wednesday, March 28, 2007



Some of you strutted like prize chickens the other day, thinking that you'd spotted the lie in this post. Believe it or not, I am going to Detroit as part of my vacation.

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There's a little get-together that I've always wanted to go to.

It's a small thing. But when I was a little guy, I always wanted to go to Wrestlemania. After I got to the age that I could, I didn't. Time, money, logistics kept me from doing it. Just kept putting it off.

Didn't want to put it off anymore.

So. Going to Wrestlemania. Which is in Detroit this year, to mark the 20th anniversary in the city of arguably the biggest Wrestling show in history.

I'll have a couple extra thoughts on this before I fly out Friday, but going to Detroit is the honest truth.

(The lie in that post comes in my statement that I use my unabridged dictionary to solve arguments....I generally use it as a bludgeon, usually to start arguments)


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