Monday, September 01, 2008

Monday Morning....

Monday Morning...

As I sit here, watching CNN's Rob Marciano about to get blown off a roof in the French Quarter, I gotta wonder: how much will Hurricane Gustav affect the amount of donation to Jerry Lewis's telethon?

Just counted up, on my fingers even, that September 2008 is the 71st month of this blogamathing.

Heading out this afternoon. Going to catch the last Chattanooga Lookout game of the season. I bitch and moan about my job a lot, but the truth is, I've been able to catch more minor league games this year than in most. I don't think the number's up to a dozen, but it's within sunflower seed spitting distance.

Funny bit...hit a day game not long ago. Middle of the week. Had to be in Chattanooga for school stuff anyway.

Regulars at Bellsouth Park know Wanda the Program Lady. Even if you don't know her, you've heard her. She's got a distinctive selling style that won't be adequately described here: suffice it to say, she's got a call that you can hear from any point in the stadium, and you'll know that the programs are just 25's a distinctive sound that puts a nice signature on the stadium.

Well, I went during the day. I paid for my ticket. I went through the turnstyles. For whatever reason, I was looking in another direction, but heard Wanda's call.

I always buy a program. Don't know why. It changes maybe three times a year. Maybe I'm looking to win a meal from Hardee's. Don't know. But, without looking up, I started walking to her booth. I heard her call, and started digging for a quarter.

I look up, and it's a little old man sitting at the booth. Then I look.

The folks at Bellsouth Park had installed a little flat screen TV, and they've recorded Wanda doing her call for programs....and were playing it on a loop.

I asked the man at the booth if he was getting hazard pay. He informed me that after a while, he just turns off his hearing aid.

Anyway. Maybe I'll get pictures. Maybe I'm a lying sack of deuce....who knows?


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