Sunday, December 21, 2008



But, a good Dang.

I'll be the first to tell you, I usually have to let my opinion settle over a night's sleep before it reaches its final resting place. I can come out of a movie incredibly high on it...a sort of adrenaline rush making me ignore the bad of a flick, which I usually see upon further inspection. The converse is also true...I've come out of flicks hating what I just saw and myself for wasting the time with it, and after giving something some thought, do an about face.

But then, there are the things that just blow me away, and keep getting better.

Heath Ledger's Joker is one of them.

My goal is to one day be smart enough to enunciate exactly that it is that I exactly Heath Ledger managed to hit what I was looking for, when I wasn't exactly sure myself.


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