Monday, December 16, 2002

I watched part of TNT's A Christmas Carol last night. It stars Captain Picard.

I did not like it so much. I couldn't decide if Stewart's Scrooge was supposed to be laughable--it was like that was the intent, instead of going for the traditional miser character. But he wasn't funny, either.

George C. Scott's portrayal of Ebenezer Scrooge is always quite good. But Ebenezer Scrooge, to my mind, was a little wiry, weasly guy. Scott was this big, gruff, intimidating, condescending fellow. "Scrooge" is probably the strongest all around of the Christmas Carol films, but the late-Mr. Scott's portrayal was not exactly what I want.

To my mind, the definitive Scrooge is the one portrayed in Mickey's Christmas Carol. He's a little wiry guy--albeit a duck. But he's gruff and sneering at the start, just like I envision whenever I read the Dickens book. And when he becomes all animated and happy-like toward the end of the film, he has the right level of joviality.

But mostly I like the fact that in no point during the movie does he wear pants.


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