Thursday, January 15, 2004

Cats and Pianos

Peggy at A Moveable Beast has a little something to say about the musical abilities of cats, especially when it comes the tickling the ivories.....

It reminded me of a particular event in my life:

There was one night, I was at my folks house, reading, of all things, ghost stories on the internet. I'd gotten pretty wrapped up in one of the stories, skin crawling and hair raising and everything, when the big giant black cat (whose name was Ursula, but who answers only to Ms. Kitty) jumps from the staircase onto about 7 different keys on the bass clef of the piano. If ever I've had the bejeezus scared out of was then.

And the worst part was the look on Ms. Kitty's face--the one that said she knew what she'd done: that she'd scared the shit out of one of the people (the big, stupid one), and was pleased by it.....

That particular cat still likes to sleep in dark corners and nooks, waiting to surprise which ever person happens accidentally mosey in her direction.


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