Friday, January 16, 2004

Drunk with Power

I stopped at the gas station to buy a newspaper and a coffee this morning. While in line waiting to pay, I sneezed. And I scared the bejeezus out of the woman in front of me in line. It made me smile.

If she's that jumpy, she probably doesn't need to be drinking the extra big coffee she was buying. Seriously. It was like a bucket of coffee. Almost as big as my coffee pot at home.

Also, I nearly ran over a guy riding on the wrong side of the street on his bike. Ride with traffic, chief....not against. Even if you're riding a toy out in public, you still gotta obey traffic laws. In the eternal struggle of bicycle vs. Chevy Truck, I'll stay behind the wheel of my truck, thankee very much.

All of which reminds me of my friend from high school, Adam, who was very quiet and spoke in low tones, but could let out a high pitched girl-scream at will. A group of us were crossing the street at an off campus function, and we did the asshole teenager thing in the crosswalk, going slowly just to piss off the drivers. One guy got pissed, and kind of gunned his engine and inched toward us. As he did, Adam lets out a high pitched, blood curdling scream.

Which surprised the driver enough that he let off the break and came even closer to hitting Adam with his car. And Adam did the A-Team drop and roll to get out of the way. And we all remembered it, and learned a lesson. Well....they all learned a lesson, but I kind of forgot. I saw a line of ants on the sidewalk, and got distracted.


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