Friday, June 18, 2004



[I'm as astounded by this post as anybody. For whatever reason, this post got mixed up with what I'd assume is somebody else's post on somebody else's blog. Somehow, serendipity made it terribly surreal. Keep in mind, the first 75% of the post is mine...I did not write the last four paragraphs. This is from somebody else's blog, I assume.]

Do any of you regularly watch Jeopardy?

I'm usually asleep when it's on here in the Nashville area, but I've managed to catch a few games of Ken Jennings' win streak that's been showing here lately.

In the past, I've kept score whenever watching Jeopardy. But I haven't been feeling particularly obsessive-compulsive lately, so I watch with half an eye.

I ask this because I'm relying on my impressions of the games Ken's been playing, rather than a concrete accounting of just how well I've done myself answering questions. Sometimes my impressions are a little off.

My question: Are the questions during Ken's games a bit easier than normal? I haven't watched much lately. Have they been this easy for a while?

And I don't ask this to sound smarmy or smart. I'll just say that I do well with trivia games. And here lately, on Jeopardy, I've felt like I've done exceptionally well answering the questions along with the contestants.

A lot of the questions haven't been so much the straight knowledge questions, but rather the little game-y "rhyme time" or "before and after" questions. Even more so than usual.

I don't want to call bullshit. But I'm thinking the games here lately have been favoring Ken, in that he's fast on the buzzer. With questions that focus a little bit on problem solving or tricks rather than straight knowledge. And I wonder if Jeopardy's done something just so that they might publicize a winning streak like the one Ken's been on.

Which is not to say Ken's not a good player of the game. He's a great player. He's got balls when it comes to betting, and he's damned fast on the buzzer. Damned quick on the buzzer. And he's got a good recall of trivia. But not necessarily any more than a lot of the previous champions.

And, I think he'd kick my ass in ng off until the tapestry is gone".

I have a philosophical outlook on all this, my brother Paul fell down a deep water well in our garden potting shed when he was two years old, in reality, he should have drowned but somehow, he didn't. Someone notched an additional twenty years onto his life thank you very much.

My mum and dad had a great life over almost seventy years and everything collapsed in over a brief thirty-six months. A strange by product "silver lining" of my mums dementia was that she did not appear to grieve too much when my dad died although she choked me up completely at his funeral when I was holding her hand and she sang "The Lord is my Shepherd" in her little girls voice.

I see them all, every day when I look in the mirror.
completely at his funeral when I was holding her hand and she sang "The Lord is my Shepherd" in her little girls voice.

I see them all, every day when I look in the mirror.


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