Sunday, June 12, 2005

Thoughts from the Ass End of the Night

Thoughts from the Ass End of the Night

A few days ago, I mentioned in a brief lament that I had never won anything from one of those coin-operated claw machine thingamajigs.

Well, I still haven't, a fact that plagues me in my waking hours and in my dreams.

I was buying bananas and bread at a small store in Charleston, a small town about 10 minutes to the south, and as I went to leave, I spotted one of those devil-driven machines. And what do I spot at the bottom of a pile of toys, pressed up against the front window?

A big foam baseball, blue and red, with the Chicago Cubs logo emblazoned on it.

God taunts me. Were I to get that prize, I would have to pull a couple other toys off the top at minimum (something, as I mentioned, I haven't done even once in my life) before I even got to the giant foam Cubs baseball.

Luckily, I was on my way home and the siryn call of banana sandwiches was stronger than a cheap foam baseball.

But not by much.


Mike went to Chicago and Wrigley Field. He went on the day Mark Prior had his elbow broken. His commentary on some of the Cubs fans in attendance who just weren't quite clued in on what was going on is pretty much dead on.....

It is also the best post with the use of the word "rad" in it I have read in many a moon.


Has anybody else ever had Jones Soda's Sugar Free Green Apple Soda? I enjoy it very much, but I seem to be the only person who enjoys it. I've shared it, and opinion has ranged from "eh" to "this is the most vile thing I've ever tasted."

More for me then. Anybody else tried it and like it?


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