Thursday, May 11, 2006

Reset the Clock

Reset the Clock...

The gastrointestinal confusion continues....

Used to have a streak that lasted years. This last streak lasted four months, 15 days.

But we need to reset the Vomit Clock. I'm currently on about 20 minutes into the new countdown.

I won't be drinking any more orange juice any time soon.

I took an oil-based vitamin on an empty stomach. I hope to Jeebus that's what set me off.

Problem is, it's never done it to me before. And there's another stomach virus that's been floating around work.

Had a bad one the day after Christmas, in which I threw up more in a 24 hour period than I had in the previous 9 years. If I could choose a way to spend my day off, hunkered down near the toilet is not the way I'd like to spend it....


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