Thursday, September 28, 2006

New Favorite Snack

New Favorite Snack

I found these at a grocery store during my trip to Georgia.

They are awesome. They are God's own food.

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In case you can't read the text, which comes via my camera phone...They are Spicy Hot! Wasabi Peas.

Further reading will show you that they are wasabi coated green peas, they are a spicy hot snack and the are cholesterol free.

Now, I cannot vouch for their being cholesterol free. I'll take their word for it, and tell myself this is a touch better for me than cramming a bag of kettle chips down my maw.

I can, however, vouch for their being spicy. They are quite spicy. Especially if you gobble eight or 10 at a time. And they're that sneaky, Eastern spicy, which doesn't hit you like a hammer like most western hot sauces--the kind where you know rather instantly how much your butthole's going to burn in 18-36 hours. Rather, these are coated with wasabi, with that spicy that builds in your mouth, bit by bit, without you realizing it, until you've burned the tip of your tongue with wasabi chemical burns.

I've not investigated this, but I feel if my sinus problems persist this fall (and this being the capital of Ragweed country, we know they will), I think I'll try jamming a few of these wasabi peas up my nose, to see if we can clear some of that shit out.

Anyway. I recommend them. This being the only can I have, I figure I'm gonna have to look online now, or at a specialty grocery slightly better than the one I work at, to see if I can further obtain these spicy treats*.

*If there are untoward repercussions bathroom-wise, we will suspend further investigation into whether I can obtain these things or not...


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