Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Obligatory Anna Nicole Smith Post

The Obligatory Anna Nicole Smith Post

I missed the memo, but apparently all bloggers were supposed to mention Anna Nicole Smith in some form or fashion, owing to her dying.

Now, granted, y'all probably watch more news than I do, but have we really played out this whole crazy-astronaut-driving-halfway-across-the-continent-in-a-diaper-to- kill-another-astronaut-love-triangle thing? Or is that old news, by this point? I really wanted to try to wring out an incontinence/diaper joke out of driving across a continent, but I'm afraid that I won't get the time, now, because we're all busy staring at the trainwreck we all knew was coming sooner or later.

Seriously. Was anybody else half hoping they'd hear that she died in some really ridiculous manner? Maybe she'd get her hair caught in the dishwasher, or she'd die from diarrhea brought on by ingesting too many Flintstones vitamins or diet pills?

What's the bet now? Cocaine induced heart attack?

Anyway. I'll close this post with a link to Jayne Mansfield's wikipedia entry...I was going to compare Smith's death in ridiculous manner to the tragic decapitation death of Jayne Mansfield, but it turns out that it's an urban legend, and she wasn't decapitated at all. I did not know that.

So there is good to come out of this. I learned something new. Jayne Mansfield was not decapitated when she died.

My only hope is that I didn't learn something useful earlier in the day, like CPR, only to have it quashed by learning that Jayne Mansfield did not die via decapitation.


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