Thursday, September 04, 2008



I'm supposed to be reading right now. But, I wanted to remark on how funny it is how synchronicity works. Wondering today just who did this a few years back....and I find it without even looking for it....

Good thing we have an interweb. 12 years ago, I might have gone insane not knowing.

Not that knowing will stop it. I've eaten a lot of red meat, and I use aluminum based deodorant. Plus, to paraphrase from a favorite play and flick...insanity doesn't run in my family so much as gallop....

later edit....I'm intrigued by my own statement that 12 years ago, I might have gone insane not knowing. I just did the math, and yes, in 1996 I did indeed have the internet access. Let me say...16 years ago, since that pretty safely predates my internet access by a couple of years....consider this another example of time flying past Tommy like a fiery freight train


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