Friday, May 28, 2004

The Read List

The Read List

If you're interested, the Read List was updated. Four new titles, including Screwball, by David Ferrell; The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros; an anthology of short stories printed under the Twilight Zone banner; and State by State with the State, the travelogue done book done by the skit comedy group The State.

An entry under Delaware from that book has a place on this blog:

Well, as most educated people know, Delware is not a banking institution, but a tax shelter for the DuPont Coorporation. Sure, Delaware likes to claim to actually be a full-fledged member of the United States of America. While that is technically true, most Americans think of Delaware the same way that Price is Right contestants who've won a Cadillac and a world cruise in the Showcase Showdown think of the ugly brown carpeting they won earlier in the program. We won the American Revolution, we beat the british, and Delaware was just some carpet that came along as part of the package.....


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