Sunday, December 18, 2005

Favorite Ebay Auction Conundrum

Favorite Ebay Auction Conundrum

Fark had links to two different auctions today.

I thought one was my favorite auction ever, and then I saw the other.

I'll say now, the they're in a tie for the vaunted title of "Favorite Ebay Auctions Ever".

Here's one, for a Ron Mexico shirt, which features large breasts and links to other "herpes-free" auctions, and the promise that deadbeat bidders will be pimp-slapped...

Here's another, which is for an aquarium lid, ostensibly, but there's too much there...I couldn't do it justice by describing it here.

Don't know which I like better....

update: Gunny has updated links in the comment section, since Ebay seems to have taken the auctions down....


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