Monday, January 05, 2009

A guy that bugs me....

A guy that bugs me....

I hate this line of spots from Wendy's. Part of it's the whole bit where I bristle at somebody in a one piece coverall pontificating about anything, be it fast food or principles of economics. If you're going to do that, press a pair of slacks and put on a collared shirt. My requirements for respect don't end at what you're wearing, but they do start somewhere in the vicinity, so there. (As an aside, they do address this in another commercial...the Asian gentleman asks "how do you know this," and the loudmouth on the right says "I used to work on Wall Street," to which he gets the response "What are you doing here?"...)

But the other thing that bugs me? The cohort on the left is the part of the Joker's crew from The Dark Knight...the one that Harvey Dent kidnaps in the ambulance following Joker's attempt to assassinate the mayor. I say that, to say this? I tend to think that time should have left the gentleman with the wherewithal to deal with the Fast Food Putz adequately...whether that means a pencil in the jugular, or simply walking away depends on your personal sense of "adequate."

Just a thought.

Lastly, since I put this spot up on my blog, I figure I should be entitled to some manner of reimbursement from the folks at Wendy's. If they should want to pay me money, then all to the good. I'd be satisfied with a free sandwich combo....

Next on my agenda is to wander down to Wendy's and demand it....


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